U.S. President Barack Obama was embraced with rapturous applause, standing ovations, and stunning poll numbers by Muslim communities worldwide last year when he gave his historic speech in Cairo . A year later, there has been a significant dip in his polls numbers both domestically and abroad.
How confident do Muslims feel about him andAmerica as a "true partner" in 2010 when compared to Bush's administration? What will Obama have to do to regain Muslim trust and achieve a true conciliation between America and Muslims around the world?
Anwar Ibrahim: When he won I shared in the optimism expressed by many that his presidency would usher in a new chapter in relations betweenAmerica and the Muslim world. I did not expect he alone to solve all the problems. After all he is not the Caliph. He is the President of the United States , and therefore bound by significant constraints. But he is certainly better than his predecessor and we appreciated his Cairo speech, which was a historic and bold statement of friendship between two civilizations.
His pronouncements -- such as closingGuantanamo , an end to settlement activity in the West Bank and pushing for a two state-solution, withdrawing from Iraq and searching for diplomatic solutions to dealing with Iran -- are the right statements. Unfortunately he has yet to deliver on major initiatives. At this point, few see much difference between his foreign policy and that of the Bush administration. I remain optimistic for now -- it is too soon to offer a final verdict.
I believe Muslims are willing to give whoever sits in the White House a chance. Muslims respectAmerica as a democracy and want to see its policies as fair, just and consistent. For there to be a real watershed in the Obama administration's approach he will have to be seen to be acting fairly in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict and show more compassion (when) it comes to dealing with Afghanistan, where thousands of innocent people are still being killed. Otherwise I fear the good will he has built will be forgotten. (Part 3)
Related: Isu sensitif sentimen agama dan etnik mesti ditangani secara berhemah – Anwar Ibrahim
Potensi besar negara bermasyarakat multi-etnik – Anwar Ibrahim
Barack Obama, satu usaha baik tetapi belum dapat dipuji
How confident do Muslims feel about him and
Anwar Ibrahim: When he won I shared in the optimism expressed by many that his presidency would usher in a new chapter in relations between
His pronouncements -- such as closing
I believe Muslims are willing to give whoever sits in the White House a chance. Muslims respect
Related: Isu sensitif sentimen agama dan etnik mesti ditangani secara berhemah – Anwar Ibrahim
Potensi besar negara bermasyarakat multi-etnik – Anwar Ibrahim
Barack Obama, satu usaha baik tetapi belum dapat dipuji
Obama, kembali kepada sifat neutral – Jihad
Barack Obama, a good show, but no applause yet
Presiden AS Barack Obama mengikut jejak Bush?
Kalau dulu, semua Presiden AS di dalam kocek Yahudi/Zionis.
Jom kita tengok Obama.
Bolehkah Obama menjadi di luar kocek Yahudi/Zionis?
Sama2 kita lihat...masa akan menjadikan hakim.
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