Maafkan aku Palestin, ini sahaja yang dapat aku lakukan….

Malam tadi (5 Mac 2010) saya menonton berita al-Jazeera mengenai onar terbaharu Israel terhadap orang ramai yang sedang solat di Masjid al-Aqsa. Seperti biasa, bermacam alasan diberikan oleh Israel laknat terhadap betapa ‘halalnya’ tindakan mereka menceroboh masjid bersejarah itu.
Al-Jazeera reports that Israeli police have entered Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound to disperse Palestinian protesters who they said “threw stones at police officers and Jewish worshippers nearby.” Security forces fired tear gas canisters and stun grenades to disperse the demonstrators following Friday prayers. The Reuters news agency reported that 30 people were injured in the clash.
Setiap kali saya membaca atau menonton kisah dan tragedi berkaitan umat Palestin, hati saya terhiris bagai ditusuk sembilu. Memang Yahudi Israel dengan fahaman Zionisnya merupakan teroris dunia!

Dalam buku My Father was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story oleh Ramzy Baroud diceritakan berkenaan ayah penulis.

He survives Israel's massacre of 1,200 Gazans during the 1956 Suez War. He survives the June 1967 War, in which discarded Soviet rifles confronted "American hawk missiles, West German Patton battle tanks and French Mirage fighter jets." Three years later, he survives then Israeli General Ariel "The Bulldozer" Sharon's "pacification" of Gaza by "shock therapy," during which the Israeli forces executed and deported young men and destroyed 2,000 houses in August 1970 alone.

Mohammed joins the Palestine Liberation Army, because after two decades in the camps the refugees had come to believe in independent, armed action. He becomes part of the National Leadership Committee in 1978 and calls for civil disobedience.

My Father was a Freedom Fighter
details a life that is unrelentingly harsh. Pregnant Zarefah lives on weak tea and garlic soup. Mohammed and Zarefah's first son dies of a high fever, of poverty really. Later Mohammed sells carpets in Ramallah and buys scrap metal in Israel, but the siege imposed during the first Palestinian intifada, as well as Mohammed's unusual decision to send his daughter to study in Syria, plunges the family back into penury. Zarefah dies aged 42.
Ini merupakan satu kisah. Terdapat ribuan malah mungkin jutaan cerita lainnya akibat dari sikap teroris Yahudi Zionis. Di sini saya tampilkan semula beberapa buku yang sudah dibaca berkenaan kesengsaraan rakyat Palestin, kisah pejuang-pejuang syahid dan siapa Yahudi bersama gerakan Zionis dan Freemason.

Palestin: Syahid atau kemenangan!

Anasir teroris adalah anak kandung Zionis

Asy-Syahid Sheikh Ahmad Yasin

Usaha damai Arab-Israel diteruskan atau sekali lagi ditipu?

Air mata bergenang bila membaca Meniti Maut

Dari Beirut ke Jerusalem, hening dan penuh syahdu


LUSIANA CATERING: HALAL food and catering services.

Komentar dari pembaca di Goodreads | This is one good book. I’ve read one by this author before,Perang Armagedon, which...

Posted by Web Sutera on Friday, 4 March 2016

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