Armageddon will be, according to the Book of Revelation, the site
of a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or
symbolic location.
The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario. According to one premillennial Christian interpretation, the Messiah will return to earth and defeat the Antichrist (the "beast") and Satan the Devil in the Battle of Armageddon. (Sumber Kristian Barat)
Mula membaca, mengkaji, menelaah dan mentaakul suatu perkara penting dari sebuah bahan rujukan. Kemudian, insya-Allah, bakal diteruskan dengan mengkaji tafsiran hadis dan surah-surah al-Quran. Seterusnya bahan-bahan rujukan lainnya. Semua itu untuk sebuah projek novel besar yang akan dihantar proposalnya sebelum PBAKL 2013 nanti.
(1) Pharaoh Neco concerned at the increasing power of the neo-Babylonian empire, decides to go to the help of the king of Assyria on the Euphrates. For this purpose Neco must cross Canaan from end to end. The King Josiah of Jewish, who has no wish to come under the yoke of Egypt, attempts to halt Neco at Megiddo.
(2) Sekumpulan Yahudi berdebat dengan sahabat Rasulullah - berkenaan raja mereka yang akan muncul pada akhir zaman untuk kalahkan umat Islam.
Dalam membayangkan jenis senjata di masa hadapan, al-Quran memberi satu jalur sinar untuk saya, walaupun masih samar. Sudi fikirkan bersama?
"Tidakkah mereka memerhati dan memikirkan berapa banyak umat-umat yang telah Kami binasakan sebelum mereka, padahal (umat-umat itu) telah Kami teguhkan kedudukan mereka di muka bumi (dengan kekuasaan dan kemewahan) yang tidak Kami berikan kepada kamu. Kami turunkan hujan atas mereka dengan lebatnya, dan Kami jadikan sungai-sungai mengalir di bawah mereka. Kemudian Kami binasakan mereka dengan sebab dosa mereka, dan Kami ciptakan sesudah mereka, umat yang lain." (Surah al-An’am, ayat 6)
Mohenjo-daro was built in the 26th century BCE. It was one of the largest cities of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, which developed around 3000 BCE from the prehistoric Indus culture.
At its height, the Indus Civilization spanned much of what is now Pakistan and North India, extending westwards to the Iranian border, south to Gujarat in India and northwards to an outpost in Bactria, with major urban centers at Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, Lothal, Kalibangan, Dholavira and Rakhigarhi.
Mohenjo-daro was the most advanced city of its time, with remarkably sophisticated civil engineering and urban planning. When the Indus civilization went into sudden decline around 1900 BCE, Mohenjo-daro was abandoned. (Sumber: Wikipedia)
The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario. According to one premillennial Christian interpretation, the Messiah will return to earth and defeat the Antichrist (the "beast") and Satan the Devil in the Battle of Armageddon. (Sumber Kristian Barat)
Mula membaca, mengkaji, menelaah dan mentaakul suatu perkara penting dari sebuah bahan rujukan. Kemudian, insya-Allah, bakal diteruskan dengan mengkaji tafsiran hadis dan surah-surah al-Quran. Seterusnya bahan-bahan rujukan lainnya. Semua itu untuk sebuah projek novel besar yang akan dihantar proposalnya sebelum PBAKL 2013 nanti.
(1) Pharaoh Neco concerned at the increasing power of the neo-Babylonian empire, decides to go to the help of the king of Assyria on the Euphrates. For this purpose Neco must cross Canaan from end to end. The King Josiah of Jewish, who has no wish to come under the yoke of Egypt, attempts to halt Neco at Megiddo.
(2) Sekumpulan Yahudi berdebat dengan sahabat Rasulullah - berkenaan raja mereka yang akan muncul pada akhir zaman untuk kalahkan umat Islam.
Dalam membayangkan jenis senjata di masa hadapan, al-Quran memberi satu jalur sinar untuk saya, walaupun masih samar. Sudi fikirkan bersama?
"Tidakkah mereka memerhati dan memikirkan berapa banyak umat-umat yang telah Kami binasakan sebelum mereka, padahal (umat-umat itu) telah Kami teguhkan kedudukan mereka di muka bumi (dengan kekuasaan dan kemewahan) yang tidak Kami berikan kepada kamu. Kami turunkan hujan atas mereka dengan lebatnya, dan Kami jadikan sungai-sungai mengalir di bawah mereka. Kemudian Kami binasakan mereka dengan sebab dosa mereka, dan Kami ciptakan sesudah mereka, umat yang lain." (Surah al-An’am, ayat 6)
Mohenjo-daro was built in the 26th century BCE. It was one of the largest cities of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, which developed around 3000 BCE from the prehistoric Indus culture.
At its height, the Indus Civilization spanned much of what is now Pakistan and North India, extending westwards to the Iranian border, south to Gujarat in India and northwards to an outpost in Bactria, with major urban centers at Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, Lothal, Kalibangan, Dholavira and Rakhigarhi.
Mohenjo-daro was the most advanced city of its time, with remarkably sophisticated civil engineering and urban planning. When the Indus civilization went into sudden decline around 1900 BCE, Mohenjo-daro was abandoned. (Sumber: Wikipedia)
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