Meanwhile PAS vice-president Ahmad Awang said, "The win shows that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is a viable coalition. This win is not just for PAS but for Pakatan Rakyat."
Bridget Welsh, a Southeast Asian expert who observed the by-election, said PAS' victory would pose tough questions on incoming premier Najib Abdul Razak.
PAS candidate Abdul Wahid Endut who bagged the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary seat in a fierce battle against BN candidate Wan Ahmad Farid said today that he would perform to his best as the people's representative.
Tahniah kepada calon PR dari PAS. Usaha semua pihak yang terdiri dari PAS, DAP dan PKR berbaloi dengan kemenangan manis ini. Memang PR merupakan gabungan yang mantap dan sebagai alternatif kepada BN.
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Jump baby jump!
On Jan 17, we observed another failure hitting right on the face of Najib, our DPM. This was the third political tsunami in a year. What can I say, the unwelcome Barisan National is sinking like Titanic into South China Sea.
Last night, we heard the voices and saw the power of the Rakyat. We saw how majority of Kuala Terengganu voters joined the call for change from the rest of Malaysians. And yes, it is a change that happens from the bottom up, not from the top down.
Last night, we saw again, how Najib refused to acknowledge the fact of his poor leadership and his poor popularity among the citizens. We saw how his monetary actions had again failed to fool the voters in the second by-election.
Last night’s result showed that KT citizens do not want to inherent the old dirty politics of Barisan National. What the people want is a real party that not only can bring hope to the nation, but to carry out the changes for a better nation. And we know to make the change happen, BN has to be out of the system!
We want a nation for all Malaysians. We want equal treatment like every body else. We want to live a “Malaysian dream” just like how people in another corner of the world enjoy the “American dream”.
As for the other BN leaders, shame on you if you continue to ignore the wish of the citizens. You know nothing can stop the momentum now, people will continue to fight till the day comes.
My last words for everyone who wants to survive from the coming disaster, “jump baby jump” before it’s too late. You do not know how skillful your pilot is, you might not be as lucky as the survivors of the plane crash into Hudson River. You know what I mean.
And thank you, especially to everyone who voted for PAS!
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