Men armed with assault rifles entered the mosque in the Cho-ai-rong district of Narathiwat province during evening prayers on Monday and opened fire, the army and police said.
"They opened fire indiscriminately at about 50 worshippers inside the mosque," a police official said on condition of anonymity. The dead included the local imam, he said.
The attack in the Muslim-majority south comes amid a recent spike in violence in a five-year insurgency that has left at least 3,700 people dead. (Source: Al-Jazeera.net)
Mana-mana pihak belum mengaku lagi. Jurucakap tentera mengatakan bahawa kelihatannya ‘pihak penyerang ingin menyalahkan pihak tentera.'
"They are trying to make it look like the attackers are the authorities, because Muslims would apparently not shoot inside a mosque. But it is impossible that it is the work of the military," said Colonel Parinya Chaidilok, a Thai military spokesman.
Baca seterusnya di al-Jazeera.net.
(P/s: Saya ramai saudara mara di sana.)
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