Saudara baca Bible?


Lama dahulu semasa masih belajar di universiti yang terletak di Pulau Pinang, saya bertuah kerana dapat melihat dan mendengar secara langsung ceramah Ustaz Ahmed Deedat. Tatkala itu dewan canselor padat diisi oleh pelajar-pelajar Islam, Kristian dan lain-lain penganut yang berminat untuk mendengar hujah beliau dalam persoalan Islam dan Kristian, khususnya berkaitan dengan Quran dan Bible.

Kini beliau sudah tiada, tetapi buku-buku dan kaset ilmunya tersebar ke seantero dunia, diterjemah ke pelbagai bahasa. Saya memiliki dan sudah membaca dua buah buku beliau, iaitu The Choice: Islam and Christianity Volume 1 dan The Choice: Islam and Christianity Volume 2 dalam versi bahasa Inggeris. Kedua-dua naskhah ini juga sudah diterjemah ke bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Melayu.

Kedua-dua naskhah tersebut merupakan koleksi beberapa buku kecil yang diterbitkan terlebih dahulu. Dijilid secara hard cover, sangat kemas. Justeru kerana The Choice saya memiliki dua naskhah Bible untuk rujukan.

(On May 3, 1996, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat suffered a stroke which left him paralyzed from the neck down because of a Cerebral Vascular Accident affecting the Brain Stem, and which also meant that he could no longer speak or swallow.

He was flown to King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh, where he was reported to be fully alert and hence taught to communicate through a series of eye-movements via a chart whereby he would form words by acknowledging individual alphabets read out to him; this way he would form complete sentences.

He spent the last nine years of his life in a bed in his home in Verulam, South Africa, encouraging people to engage in Da'wah (Islam propagation). He was looked after by his wife, Hawa Deedat, and was reported to have no bed-sores at all. He continued to receive hundreds of letters of support from around the world, but was a target to many missionaries who tried to convert him to Christianity, to which he replied -via head and eye movements- with verses from the Bible.

In October 2002 Deedat was visited by Reverend Naidoo who requested Deedat to let him read a verse of the Bible in order to inspire him and pray for his healing. Deedat in turn, through his eye-movements—the sole method of communication he had been taught at King Faisal Specialist Hospital after being paralyzed—asked him to read out and explain the moral of the event described in Genesis 19:30. For this the Reverend had no answer and thereafter left the place.

A similar later attempt at converting Deedat was made by a young Christian gym owner named Ringo who claimed he could heal Deedat through a miracle by saying "Jesus heal him! Rise up!", however Deedat quoted Matthew 7:21 and then asked him "Why would Jesus tell you this when you came to do such a noble job?

On August 8, 2005, Ahmed Deedat died at his home on Trevennen Road in Verulam in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. He is buried at the Verulam cemetery) (Source: Wikipedia)

Dalam pada itu saya sudah membaca novel bergambar keluaran PTS Millennia Sdn Bhd, anak syarikat PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn Bhd, berjudul “Sekudus Nur Ilahi”. Pada mulanya saya hadiahkan buku ini kepada anak sulung saya dalam tahun 4 sekolah rendah (tahun 2007), tapi saya pun turut teruja hendak membacanya. Jadi saya bawa novel ini ke hulu ke hilir, walaupun semasa perjumpaan dengan klien katering saya atau semasa membeli bahan mentah di pasar.

Sekilas pandang, novel ini mengemukakan satu persoalan berat. Persoalan cinta dan pegangan agama, antara Kristian dan Islam. Konflik antara dua insan, masing-masing mencari kebenaran dalam beragama.

Walaupun novel ini ditujukan kepada remaja, namun saya kira ianya juga sesuai untuk dibaca oleh golongan dewasa. Amaran saya, mungkin ada yang kurang faham dengan persoalan isu ketuhanan yang dipaparkan. Namun elok dibaca, paling kurangpun dapat memahami serba sedikit mengenai fahaman Kristian terhadap Nabi Isa (Jesus Christ).

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Untuk ahli PAS: Cukup hanya ‘membaca’ al-Quran?


Komentar dari pembaca di Goodreads | This is one good book. I’ve read one by this author before,Perang Armagedon, which...

Posted by Web Sutera on Friday, 4 March 2016

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