Hero baling kasut Iraq ke ketua terrorist dunia didera

Saudara masih mengingati peristiwa baling kasut kepada ketua terorist dunia dan juga presiden Amerika Syarikat George Bush di Iraq sedikit masa dahulu? Saya sangat berharap dia mampus kena baling kasut tersebut ketika itu!

Berita terkini ialah si hero itu, Muntazer al-Zaidi, sudah dibebaskan dari penjara pada Selasa lepas. “Hari ini saya bebas tetapi rumah saya masih juga penjara,” sindir Muntazer.

Abang Muntazer mendakwa adiknya dipukul oleh pengawal sebaik ditahan.

Zaidi added: "At the time that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said on television that he could not sleep without being reassured on my fate ... I was being tortured in the worst ways, beaten with electric cables and iron bars."

He said he wanted an apology from Maliki, adding that his guards had also used simulated drowning on him -- the technique of water-boarding used by the Americans on suspects arrested over the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.

Baca laporan penuh di sini.


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Komentar dari pembaca di Goodreads | This is one good book. I’ve read one by this author before,Perang Armagedon, which...

Posted by Web Sutera on Friday, 4 March 2016

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