“That idea (by Utusan) is just an idea. If we look at the Star, they also discuss a variety of sentiments regarding politics,” he was quoted as saying.
“We also see the Chinese (-language) newspapers. I monitor their reports as well on political sentiments in the country, and they are quite bad.”
Warning the print media, the minister said: “Just like the voters in Sarawak, do not be excited that you can sell your paper but (do) it at the expense of causing chaos ... If the country is in chaos, then you won't even be able to sell one copy of your paper.” --- Source & graphic: Malaysiakini.
P/s: Walau apa pun yang Utusan Malaysia kata, semua betul. Ya, biarkan sahaja. Orang Melayu sudah lama tinggalkan media tersebut. Yang membacanya hanyalah UMNO sahaja. Biarkan sahaja!
Menteri Dato' Seri Hisham pula mengugut rakyat dengan “... If the country is in chaos, then you won't even be able to sell one copy of your paper.”
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